Documentation › Accounts

Get Ether Balance for a Single Address[chain]/

  • ?module=account
  • &action=balance
  • &address=0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae
  • &tag=latest
  • &apikey=lore-public

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Query Parameters

addressthe string representing the address to check for balance
tagthe string pre-defined block parameter, either earliest, pending or latest

Get Ether Balance for Multiple Addresses in a Single Call[chain]/

  • ?module=account
  • &action=balancemulti
  • &address=0xddbd2b932c763ba5b1b7ae3b362eac3e8d40121a,0x63a9975ba31b0b9626b34300f7f627147df1f526,0x198ef1ec325a96cc354c7266a038be8b5c558f67
  • &tag=latest
  • &apikey=lore-public

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Query Parameters

addressthe strings representing the addresses to check for balance, separated by, up to 20 addresses per call
tagthe integer pre-defined block parameter, either earliest, pending or latest

Get a list of ‘Normal’ Transactions By Address[chain]/

  • ?module=account
  • &action=txlist
  • &address=0xddbd2b932c763ba5b1b7ae3b362eac3e8d40121a
  • &startblock=0
  • &endblock=99999999
  • &page=1
  • &offset=10
  • &sort=asc
  • &apikey=lore-public

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Query Parameters

addressthe string representing the addresses to check for balance
startblockthe integer block number to start searching for transactions
endblockthe integer block number to stop searching for transactions
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of transactions displayed per page
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Get ‘Internal Transactions’ by Transaction Hash[chain]/

  • ?module=account
  • &action=txlistinternal
  • &txhash=0x40eb908387324f2b575b4879cd9d7188f69c8fc9d87c901b9e2daaea4b442170
  • &apikey=lore-public

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Query Parameters

txhashthe string representing the transaction hash to check for internal transactions

Get “Internal Transactions” by Block Range[chain]/

  • ?module=account
  • &action=txlistinternal
  • &startblock=13481773
  • &endblock=13491773
  • &page=1
  • &offset=10
  • &sort=asc
  • &apikey=lore-public

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Query Parameters

startblockthe integer block number to start searching for transactions
endblockthe integer block number to stop searching for transactions
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of transactions displayed per page
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Get a list of ‘ERC20 - Token Transfer Events’ by Address[chain]/

  • ?module=account
  • &action=tokentx
  • &contractaddress=0x69c744d3444202d35a2783929a0f930f2fbb05ad
  • &address=0x489d55df278224a05f793098d41753d5669d5144
  • &page=1
  • &offset=100
  • &startblock=34372864
  • &endblock=34472864
  • &sort=asc
  • &apikey=lore-public

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Query Parameters

contractaddressthe string representing the contract address
addressthe string representing the address to check for transfers
startblockthe integer block number to start searching for transactions
endblockthe integer block number to stop searching for transactions
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of transactions displayed per page
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Get a list of ‘ERC721 - Token Transfer Events’ by Address[chain]/

  • ?module=account
  • &action=tokennfttx
  • &contractaddress=0x9702230A8Ea53601f5cD2dc00fDBc13d4dF4A8c7
  • &address=0x77134cbC06cB00b66F4c7e623D5fdBF6777635EC
  • &page=1
  • &offset=100
  • &startblock=34372864
  • &endblock=34472864
  • &sort=asc
  • &apikey=lore-public

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Query Parameters

contractaddressthe string representing the contract address
addressthe string representing the address to check for transfers
startblockthe integer block number to start searching for transactions
endblockthe integer block number to stop searching for transactions
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of transactions displayed per page
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Get a list of ‘ERC1155 - Token Transfer Events’ by Address[chain]/

  • ?module=account
  • &action=token1155tx
  • &contractaddress=0x9702230A8Ea53601f5cD2dc00fDBc13d4dF4A8c7
  • &address=0x77134cbC06cB00b66F4c7e623D5fdBF6777635EC
  • &page=1
  • &offset=100
  • &startblock=34372864
  • &endblock=34472864
  • &sort=asc
  • &apikey=lore-public

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Query Parameters

contractaddressthe string representing the contract address
addressthe string representing the address to check for transfers
startblockthe integer block number to start searching for transactions
endblockthe integer block number to stop searching for transactions
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of transactions displayed per page
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Get list of Blocks Validated by Address[chain]/

  • ?module=account
  • &action=getminedblocks
  • &address=0x9dd134d14d1e65f84b706d6f205cd5b1cd03a46b
  • &page=1
  • &offset=100
  • &apikey=lore-public

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Query Parameters

addressthe string representing the address to check for valodator
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of blocks displayed per page