Get Daily Network Transaction Fee[chain]/

  • ?module=stats
  • &action=dailytxnfee
  • &startdate=2019-02-01
  • &enddate=2019-02-28
  • &sort=asc
  • &apikey=lore-public

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Query Parameters

startdatethe starting date in yyyy-MM-dd format, eg. 2019-02-01
enddatethe ending date in yyyy-MM-dd format, eg. 2019-02-28
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Get Daily New Address Count[chain]/

  • ?module=stats
  • &action=dailynewaddress
  • &startdate=2019-02-01
  • &enddate=2019-02-28
  • &sort=asc
  • &apikey=lore-public

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Query Parameters

startdatethe starting date in yyyy-MM-dd format, eg. 2019-02-01
enddatethe ending date in yyyy-MM-dd format, eg. 2019-02-28
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Get Daily Transaction Count[chain]/

  • ?module=stats
  • &action=dailytx
  • &startdate=2019-02-01
  • &enddate=2019-02-28
  • &sort=asc
  • &apikey=lore-public

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Query Parameters

startdatethe starting date in yyyy-MM-dd format, eg. 2019-02-01
enddatethe ending date in yyyy-MM-dd format, eg. 2019-02-28
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending